Privacy Policy

Last updated: 29-01-2024


Disciplined Forge is dedicated to ensuring the privacy and security of your information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle data within the app.

Information Collection

Disciplined Forge does not collect any personal information from its users. The app operates without requesting permissions, ensuring user privacy.

Usage of the App

Designed for effective task management, Disciplined Forge does not access, collect, or store user-specific information beyond task-related data.


No permissions are requested by Disciplined Forge. The app operates solely on the user's device, without external data access or storage requirements.

Data Security

Your data's security is a priority. Disciplined Forge ensures that task-related information remains securely stored on the user's device.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated as needed. Users will be notified of significant changes through app notifications or our website.

Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at


By using Disciplined Forge, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. Your trust is crucial to us, and we are committed to maintaining your privacy.